Abundant Splendor


Oil on Canvas, framed.

“Life. We live once. (maybe) Open your arms! Allow new adventures! I flew an experimental German plane once. Truth! I loved it. It was exhilarating. I took a photo as we flew over the Eastside of Belfast. And that curve of Earth became the anchor for the free man flying high .”

To frame or not to frame: I have taken the answer to that question out of your hands. This painting is framed .

I design and make my own frames. All are ash, which I painted white. This frame is 2.25” deep, and adds a little over 2” to the width and height. A sample of the frame is shown below.

The frames are not interchangeable, and each original is offered only as designated. Please feel free to email or call me, and I will be happy to answer any questions.

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